Quits the Morph application Displays a dialog in which you specify the number of copies to print and other options. Not available because no document is open. Displays a dialog in which you specify the number of copies to print and other options. Displays a dialog in which you can set paper size, orientation and other printing options. Displays a dialog in which you can name and save a movie of the current document. Not available because no document is open. Displays a dialog in which you can name and save a movie of the current document. Displays a dialog in which you can name and save the current image in the Morph Image window. Not available because no documents are open or no morph has been created. Displays a dialog in which you can name and save the current image in the Morph Image window. Displays a dialog which allows you to set the current compression settings for images and movies for this document. Not available because there are no open documents. Displays a dialog which allows you to set the current compression settings for images and movies for this document. Restores the contents of the current document to the last version saved. Not available because no documents are open or the current document has no changes. Restores the contents of the current document to the last version saved. Displays a dialog in which you can name and save the current document. Not available because there are no open documents. Displays a dialog in which you can name and save the current document. Saves the current Morph document. Not available because no documents are open or the current document has no changes. Saves the current Morph document. Not available because there are no open documents. Closes the active window. Not available now because memory is full. Displays a dialog box that allows you to select a QuickTime™ movie to open. Not available now because memory is full. Displays a dialog box that allows you to select an existing Morph document to open. Not available now because memory is full. Opens a new Morph document. This menu's not available; respond to the dialog box. This menu's not available; respond to the dialog box. Not available now because of sunspot activity. File menu Use this menu to open and close Morph documents, save images and movies and prints.